Fun. Right?

Some favorite things. Whenever I get around to it...

31 May 2011

AWOLNATION- "Kill Your Heroes" Lyric Video

I think I posted a song called "Sail" by these guys a while ago. My cousin also heard that song and has since fallen for these guys. She posted this song the other day and I really like it. I think I might even be cutting my vacation video to it.

19 May 2011

Joseph Arthur-Even Tho

My favorite Joseph Arthur song. Bibes comes through to put a smile on my face at the end of an incredibly long day. Super thankful.

11 May 2011

Strand of Oaks - 'Kill Dragon' | Weekender Sessions

Just saw this guy perform live tonight over in Pullman. He killed it. This song particularly. It gave me chills as I sat there and listened in amazement. The rest of the set was all enjoyable, but this song stuck out and was certainly the high point.

Strand of Oaks - Kill Dragon

Here is the recorded version. lyrics are in the details if you watch on youtube.