Fun. Right?

Some favorite things. Whenever I get around to it...

26 February 2008

Patrick Cleandenim: So You Think You're Gonna Live Forever

Patrick Cleandenim: So You Think You're Gonna Live Forever

I first heard Patrick Cleandenim on a compilation put together by Esopus Magazine, which is a non-profit arts magazine out of New York. Each issue comes with a themed compilation, and it's usually pretty dang good. Here is the link to the Esopus website. The entire magazine is pretty awesome, actually... well worth the cost.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for giving props to Patrick. You can hear the new/band version of The Sho that appeared on that CD on The Living Image my space page (the next album will be under the name Patrick Cleandenim & The Living Image). Recording is underway right now,
