Fun. Right?

Some favorite things. Whenever I get around to it...

15 April 2008

Elbow: One Day Like This

Elbow: One Day Like This

Here's some relatively brand new music for you my friends. Again, I don't know much about this band. I know that they are from the UK and again, I know that I like it, but thats about it.

I want one a them condos now...


  1. I'm glad someone could appretiate such amazing music. The Animals are up in Beatles territory as far as I'm concerned.

    Also it was good to hear from someone that has living arrangement angst such as mine. But at the same time bad cuz I feel for you.

    Tennis. I've played a couple times. You should come with Ty and I next time.

  2. Oh and Elbow sounds pretty legit.
